Canon. 212 §1. Conscious of their own responsibility, the Christian faithful are bound to follow with Christian obedience those things which the sacred pastors, inasmuch as they represent Christ, declare as teachers of the faith or establish as rulers of the Church. §3. According to the knowledge, competence, and prestige which they possess, they have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful, without prejudice to the integrity of faith and morals, with reverence toward their pastors, and attentive to common advantage and the dignity of persons.
****Be vigilant. The 2027 date leads to complacency. You will be caught off guard with much earlier Decrees. Decrees of Extinctive Union are currently being issued locally. First, choose your Procurator. Start you Parish Packets (See "Mandates, Decrees, Appeals" page) NOW.
Note- The 2027 date may also lead to a different kind of complacency. Parishioners may be worn down by the prolonged strain of protecting their parishes from forces within. Changes will be made gradually, so that before people realize it, the merge is effectively, physically done, and they feel like it is too late to do anything.
The Extinctive Merger Decree for your Parish is likely already prepared.
When the leadership of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati rolled out the pre-planned models for "Beacons of Light," on July 1, 2022, Parishioners and most priests had little input into these plans that revealed "the most sweeping changes" to the Cincinnati Archdiocese in its 201-year history. "Beacons of Light" is an Archdiocesan program that reduced 208 Parishes into about 57 families of Parishes with eight permitted to remain stand-alone Parishes. The Archdiocese intends to merge each "Family of Parishes" into single Canonical Parishes by July 1, 2027, and some will become mega-parishes, or one church per region.
Read through the Beacons of Light Website.
Matthew 10:26
Therefore fear them not. For nothing is covered that shall not be revealed: nor hid, that shall not be known.
Often it is mentioned that Parishes will be merged into one Canonical Parish, and no churches will be closed. In plain English this means Parishes will be merged to a single Parish with a different name, and the merged Parishes will no longer exist. For example, if your "Family of Parishes" has four Catholic Parishes- One Church, A, is chosen to be the Parochial/Parish Church. The other three Parishes are demoted to Subsidiary Church status. None of the four Parishes retain their identity, but become one Parish with a new name, and all monies mergered into one account. The four Parishes and Parish communities are gone. A+B+C+D=Extinct (fill in the name of your Parish). Some groupings will be mega-parishes. When two or more Parish communities are merged, the blending requires a substantial change to each community.
It does not mean the Subsidiary Church is closed, sold or demolished, although it could be. It could possibly see limited Masses in the future if attendance and collections drops. By Canon Law, when a Parish is demoted to a Subsidiary Church, it has few rights under Canon Law.
When Parishes are merged and our Catholic communities gone, 20% or more of the Parishioners will stop going to Holy Mass and being part of a Parish. We want to save souls!
The decree of the Amalgamation of Saint Aloysius Parish/Carthagena, OH, Saint Francis Parish/Cranberry Prairie, OH, Saint Bernard Parish/Burkettsville OH, Saint Wendelin Parish/Saint Wendelin, Ohio INTO Saint Henry Parish/Saint Henry, OH occurred in October 2023.
In Champaign County Ohio, in September 2023, Immaculate Conception/North Lewisburg, OH; Sacred Heart/St. Paris, OH; and St. Michael’s/Mechanicsburg, OH were reduced to one Holy Mass on a weekday. St. Mary’s Parish/Urbana, OH remains open as the Parish Church.
To destroy a people, you must first sever their roots.
-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
1- The Diocesian Mandate is important BEFORE the decrees for extinctive mergers/closures for our Parishes are sent by the Archbishop, so that the Archdiocesan Procurator may send a letter to the Archbishop requesting "Beacons" be halted.
2- The Parish Mandate is important AFTER the Archbishop issues decrees for extinctive mergers/closures for our Parishes, as it starts the legal process through our Parish Procurators to prevent the mergers and closures from occurring. Each Parishioner must -sign TWO original Parish Mandates-, one for the Procurator, and one to send to Rome.
A Mandate is a document in Canon Law serving both as a personal petition to oppose the closures/extinctive mergers of Parishes, and as the appointment of a person to act on your behalf in this matter in communicating with the Archbishop (like a very limited power of attorney in civil law).
Mark Pettus agreed to be the Procurator for the Archdiocese. The Archdiocesan Mandate allows him to unite thousands of people in a single action by following specific rules of Canon Law. (Each Parish will have its own Parish Procurator who collects Parish Mandates -2 original copies per person- from his or her own Parishioners.)
The Mandates also allow the Procurator to appoint a Canon Lawyer to help us argue our position effectively.
Philip Gray, of the St. Joseph Foundation, a Canon Lawyer with over 30 years of experience, has agreed to help, free of charge, the Parishes that join our group.
The Process:
For the Archdiocesan Mandate: Download the Mandate form located under the "Mandates, Decrees, Appeals" header, print out the Mandate, and sign with two witnesses. You only have to be 14 years old to sign. Witnesses must be 18 years of age or older.
Please take this form/forward this website to your neighbors, friends and family. Collect as many Mandates as possible.
Mail your ORIGINAL physical signed copies of the Archdiocesan Mandate to:
Mark Pettus, Archdiocesan Procurator
11550 County Road 25A
Sidney, Ohio 45365
If you have questions or would like to contact us, send an email to: [email protected].
We are a 100% volunteer group of faithful Ohio Catholics without compensation of any kind.
Finally, Brethren, whatever is True, whatever is Honorable, whatever is Just, whatever is Pure, whatever is Lovely, whatever is Gracious, if there is any Excellence, if there is anything Worthy of Praise, think about These things.
-Phillipians 4:8