The archdiocese' in America, at the direction of the Vatican, is implementing "The pastoral conversion of the Parish community in the service of the evangelising mission of the Church."
We do not believe a single strategy works for every parish. There are some parishes that suffer from lack of attendance, poor finance, decay of infrastructure, and lack of growth in the community. Indeed, there are numerous parishs in the Cincinnati archdiocese that meet these criteria. However, one of the premises for this pastoral conversion is that people are more mobile and don't associate their lives around the community. I can tell you that is not true in rural areas. My wife and I are from much larger cities and had no real connection other than immediate neighbors and relatives. We moved to this small rural community and have better relationships with more people than we had in the big cities.
Form a core group within your parish- Coorinator, Procurator, Secretary, Members.
Have an informational meeting with your fellow parishoners, learn about what Beacons of Light is, it's end result, and the effect it may have on your parish.
Start writing letters to your pastor and the bishop.
One thing you should know is that per canon law, the pastor can refuse to participate in Beacons of Light. Most probably will not refuse for a variety of reasons. Remember, even if he does not refuse Beacons, he is still your pastor. He is following what he has been told to do.
Start a 501c3 and incorporate your group- Friends of "Name of you Parish", is usually a good name. Once you have a 501c3, you can start collecting contributions, tax free, from the parishioners. Ideally, what ever they were contributing to the parish would now go to the 501c3. This does one very dramatic thing: the money that was going to the parish with a percentage going to the archdiocese is now reduced. However, as the Friends of "Name of your Parish", you inform the pastor that the 501c3's purpose is to help support "Name of your Parish". He has to come to you for funds. I suggest that you do not pay any of the salaries of his self appointed staff with 501c3 monies.
You want to find a canonical lawyer who will help you with writing mandates for when the Bishop sends his decrees, which he will most likely do, regardless of how many letters you send.
Far from it. Different names for the same thing, examples:
St. Louis "All Things New"
Madison, WI "Into the Deep"