2/1/24 Beacons of Light "Informational Meeting" video. Beacons representatives called out on program inconsistencies. Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, McCartyville, Anna, Kettlersville, Ohio. (Parish Mergers and Closures)
WCPO INVESTIGATIVE REPORT, INSTALLMENT #ONE. Beacons of Light Backlash, Archdiocese of Cincinnati.
WCPO INVESTIGATIVE REPORT, INSTALLMENT #TWO. Beacons of Light Backlash, Archdiocese of Cincinnati. (The original post link left off roughly Two minutes. This is the complete segment.)
A Plea For Parishes: The spiritual life of the ordinary Catholic in America is fed by the ordinary Catholic parish in America. What nourishes the life of that parish?
by Joe Schmiesing
September Beacon's Pathway Leads AoC 9/20/2023. Listen to understand the perpective and approach of the archdiocesan representatives regarding "Beacon's of Light".
At minute 1:10:30 it is suggested a taser be used on Chris Neikamp of SaveOurSteeples.org (also on FB)
Video is preserved in case it is removed from youtube. Comment does not show in the transcript.
Transcript of September meeting where Parish closures are admitted.
November Beacons PathwayLeads AoC 11/15/23. Continuation of pressing narrative that change is hard.
St. Louis Archdiocese Closes Thriving Traditional Latin Mass Parish
"St. Barnabas has been subsumed by a parish less than two miles down the road called Assumption. This means that the Assumption parish will take control of St. Barnabas’ building, territory, and finances, including the nearly $600,000 in St. Barnabas’ bank account, in accordance with Canon law. Right now, the Assumption parish is running a deficit of more than $500,000 due to renovation expenses, which can be paid down once it gains control of St. Barnabas’ funds."
"Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me."
-Aleksander Solzhenitsyn
Save St. Martin of Tours https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61560986713462
Preserve Saint Remy Parish on FB
Save Our Parishes Facebook Page
Save Sts. Peter and Paul Parish Facebook Page
Save Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish Facebook Page.
Preserve Holy Angels Parish, Sidney on FB Pls "Like" and "Share"
Save St. Michael's Parish, Ft. Loramie on Facebook Pls "Like" and "Share"
SaveOurSteeples.org for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Save Our St. Louis Parishes sostlp.org
Society of St. Adalbert Chicago (FB) SaveOurBuffaloChurches.com Click here for link. Saving St. Al's (FB) Infant of Prague Roman Catholic Church Cheektowaga (FB) Friends of Blessed Sacrament Tonawanda (FB)
Save Our Lady of the Rosary (FB) FriendsofAscension (FB) Keep St. John de Salle Open- Niagra Falls (FB) Society of St. Matthias (FB) Save Saint John Vianney Church of OPNY (FB) Buffalo Mass MobSave All Saints Parish - Lockport (FB) Preservation Buffalo Niagra (FB)
Fort Recovery Catholics warned against listening to critiques of Beacons of Light in Saturday Oct. 14 Vigil Mass Homily, minute 46:54
No grave reasons requiring merger provided. Please consider listening to entire homily.
Saint Henry's Parishes Meeting on issuing of Decree: Facebook https://fb.watch/nwYsc9L5It/?
Take the Parish Vitality Survey. Record Your Experience with "Beacons of Light": https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/vitality23
PRESERVE Our Parish and Priests Presentation, Aug 29, 2023 | Front Porch Catholic Youtube Presentation by Joseph Schmiesing, Holy Angels Parishioner, Sidney, Ohio.
"This video presents our Parish's case to be PRESERVED from EXTINCTIVE UNION. Extinctive union is part of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati's plan called "Beacons of Light" which will reduce the number of Catholic Parishes from 206 to 57 in the next several years."
Holy Angels Parish Meeting with Joe Schmiesing 2023 What is Beacons of Light? Why is it good to be a Parish? (Sidney)
To Preserve Our Parish and Our Priests PowerPoint Presentation
Prepared by Joseph Schmiesing, on behalf of the Holy Angels, Committee to
Preserve Our Parish and Our Priests. (Sidney)
August 29, 2023
(Some) Catholic Leadership Institute (CLI) references on Beacons of Light website.
Main Link (will lead to all sublinks):
Sublinks under Catholic Leadership Institute link posted immediately above:
"The second round of draft models released in February (2023) shows many current parishes coming together into “pastorates,” either as separate parishes that share priests; or as one new, merged parish. Under Canon Law , a diocesan bishop has the authority to alter parishes, but only for a just reason specific to each parish. Concern for souls must be the principal motivation for modifying a parish.